以前は競艇と言われていたが今はBOAT RACEと言われてますね☺️
It used to be called a " 競艇 ", but now it is said to be a BOAT RACE.☺️
競艇 = きょうてい
The photo is a BOAT RACE Kiryu.👇
Select the BOAT number in the OMR sheet.👇
マークシート → OMR sheet
Boat race Kiryu specialty food, bird thigh fried.👇
鳥もも = とりもも → Chicken thigh
A statue of Ryoichi Sasakawa, who founded Boat race.
BOAT RACE Official site English ver.👇
Race video👇
BOAT RACER can make a lot of money.💰️
Instead it is a very tough world.
(They sometimes die)
水上の格闘技 ボートレース
すいじょうのかくとうぎ ぼーとれーす