Late🦁 #seibulions Leo hooo❗️ Everyday's night goodbye WIN🦁 See you next week🦁 この日は外野席で観戦でした。 I watched the game on the outfield this day.
Leo hooo❗️ It seems that it was delicious beer.w There is an old man who is doing a beer fight at the S seat. LOL さくらまるは、お酒が苦手で飲めないのよ。それなので代わりに水に浮くアヒルの玩具をのせます。 I'm not good at drinking and can't…
It's summer vacation, is not it~ #seibulions この日は、ライオンズジュニア会員の職業体験の日です。 It's the day of Lions junior member child's occupation experience. ライオンズフェスティバル期間中はブルーレジェンズも期間限定ダンスでしたね…
Junior Member There is a ticket on the day #seibulions 獅子風流に染まった松崎しげる。 Bluely stained Matsuzaki Shigeru. " 松崎しげる " Japanese singer. (Voice volume monster) " 獅子風流 " is a coined word. ジュニア会員は当日に席が空いてい…
I'm looking forward to tomorrow, too🦁 #Metlife dome This is Japanese professional baseball⚾️ Bu japonca profesyonel beyzbol⚾️ 吠えろライオンズ 2018/07/22 - YouTube
Leo hooo❗️ 勝利 #seibulions See you next week 私は間違えてますね。( I am wrong. ) It's the day after tomorrow❗️ この日のトークショーはライオンズ愛が溢れるオードリー春日でしたね。楽しかった。 The talk show on this day is Audrey Kasuga full…
The wind flows in the upper stand part #seibulions メットライフドームの夏場はスタンドの上のほうが良いね。 The upper stand is good. In the summer of the Met Life Dome. 写真は、おかわり焼き。青ネギが多くて美味しい Pictures are Okawariyaki. …
See you next tomorrow #seibulions Shigeru Matsuzaki is singing a team song. Shigeru Mathuzaki is Voice volume monster Love Memory❤️ Songs by Shigeru Matsuzaki. 今回は写真が多いですね。 (*´・ω・`)b This time there are many pictures. (*´・ω・…
The game lost ... but Congratulations Shogo Akiyama🦁 #seibulions 記念すべき536試合連続出場🎉 Memorable, 536 consecutive games played🎉
Dream park ~野球場へゆこう~ Songs by Dream park is on the official HP of NPB❤️ Cheers are echoing~ Let's go to the baseball park~ 前日の興奮が残っている中での観戦です。 The excitement of the previous day is continuing. It is also watch…
石油ファンヒーター kerosene fan heater Deodorant monitor. " 消臭モニター " Refueling monitor. " 給油モニター " Filter. " フィルター " Preset temperature. " 設定温度 " Room temperature. " 室内温度 " Temperature/ Time adjustment. " 温度/時刻…
Toilet terminology 小便 " しょうべん " 大便 " だいべん " From the left of the upper row. Stop. Hip. Soft. Bidet. " 止 " " おしり " " やわらか " " ビデ " Blood and voice come out if you make it stronger. move. massage. Power deodorizing. "…
Disappointed… shutout is the blocking #seibulions 森さんに握手をしてもらいました。 I got a handshake to the former director. 有名人に握手をしてもらい興奮したのは初めてでしたね。 It was my first time to get shook hands with celebrities and…
ブレーキパッドの交換は基本的に車種に関係なく同じやり方です。 Brake pad replacement is basically the same way regardless of the type of car. 赤い矢印のボルトを緩める。 Loosen the red arrow bolt. 一本だけボルトを抜く。 Pull out only one bolt…
Today is the first base side. Garlic shrimp. #seibulions 松井選手プロデュースのガーリックシュリンプライス🍚 Produced by Matsui player garlic shrimp rice🍚 Çok lezzetliydi😋 美味しかった😋
Tomorrow's Lions festival Legend OB Masaaki Mori Former director I'm looking forward to the talk show ❗️ #seibulions 思い出の品をライオンズファンにお披露目できるとは、インターネットありがとう❤️ I can show my memories item to Lions fans, T…
Leo hooo❗️ It was good that we could show victory to Kyushu Lions fans.❗️ Lions festival starts from 20th🦁 #seibulions 写真はレジェンドOB デストラーデ。 Picture is legend OB Destrade. " BOOM ! " is the word he shouted after a home run.
The game was a disappointing result⤵️ Let's go best tomorrow🦁 Congratulations❗️ Shougo Akiyama to compete in the games🏆️ #seibulions 以前、使用した画像を再編集したよ。 Re-editing used images. Congratulations❗️1000 games.
今回だけBlogの書き方を変えてみたよ I changed the way I write blog this time only. Legend It is wonderful that there is a roof in the stadium❗️ ライオンズのレジェンドOB、平野謙さんがダイヤモンドペガサスの監督をしているのよね。 Lions legend …
Increase baseball population #GUNMA Diamond pegasus 近くで甥っ子の部活動を観戦していたら、ダイヤモンドペガサスの試合をやっていた。 When I was watching my nephew's club activities, Diamond Pegasus was playing games nearby. GUNMA Diamond Pe…
Mori kun www #seibulions I want a shishi bule folding fan🦁 " 獅子風流 " is a coined word. サクラマルは森選手のファンです。 あの身長で打つよね🦁 Sakura maru am a fan of Mori player. He is doing his hit and home run with that height.🦁
Leo hooo❗️ Genda congratulations #Genda tamaran #seibulions See you next week #Genda tamaran #seibulions 源田選手が新人開幕戦から221試合連続フルイニング出場を達成しました。 しかも、5安打ですよ Genda player. From the rookie opening …
Genda Do your best.🦁 #seibulions Characters written in the Diamond vision. " Together strongly. Together fevering. " I don't know whether this expression is correct.
Togame Do your best ~ #seibulions 試合は負けたけど源田選手の1号ホームランしかも、レフトスタンド❗️ Although the game lost, Genda player home run. This season first home run Genda player. Moreover, the left stand❗️ ホームラン ➡️ Home run …
Leo hooo❗️ 5 consecutive wins. #seibulions Leo hooo " れおほー " " Leo hooo " tweet when Lions won. See you tomorrow. #seibulions ヤマノススメとコラボレーションデーの日。 試合終了後に上映会をしてました。 ごめんなさい。私は見てないけど… C…
Tentatively Custard and Anko Lions will win~❗️ #seibulions あんこ = Anko Sweet red-bean paste. 私は甘い物が好きなのです。 I like sweet things, so I eat them. 試合が始まる前は " L STUDIO " ってのをやっていたな。 Before the game started " …
Unofficial Goods Series Part 2. Precautions against heat. #seibulions 少しずつ個性が強くなってきましたね w Individuality gradually became strong little by little. LOL " トバシーサー " It is a coined word
Which one is correct ??? #Kyoro chan of gold #seibulions 前回のキョロちゃんと今回のレオ&キョロちゃん、どちらが正しいのかな…… Which one is correct, last time Kyoro chan and this time Leo & Kyoro chan……
There is no game today…🦁 #Kyoro-chan of gold #seibulions 試合が無かったので画像で遊べないか考えていた。 これが後々、大変な事に…… There is no game, I was thinking whether I can play with images. Later on terrible thing……
Kids field knock experience today. #seibulions I forgot to attach a hashtag 球場に来ていた子供達がグランドでノック体験をしましたよ。 The children who were in the stadium were experiencing field knocks. グランド = ground ノック = field kno…