7th day.
駅から歩くけど向かい側にスーパーとうどん屋、隣にコンビニがあるよ☺️( 楽天トラベル )
There is a distance from the station, but supermarket and udon shop across the street, There is a convenience store next to it.☺️( Rakuten travel )
" Kotohira park Hotel "
向かい側の 🍜 うどん屋はカレーうどんが有名らしい、少し量が少ないかも 。。。
🍜 Udon shop on the other side seem famous for curry udon, It's a bit small amount …
カレー = curry
行きましたよ、小学六年生以来の" 金刀比羅宮 "です👍
I went " Kompiragu " ( Shinto shrine )👍
Since the sixth grade in elementary school.
これは本殿ではないよ 。。。
私は間違えてました … 😂😂😂
This is not the main shrine …
I was wrong … 😂😂😂
本殿 = ほんでん = main shrine
I wrote it carelessly.☺️
I remember went to here, But could not revive the memory of the scenery …
to be continue next day …